
Data on this website (bluraystore.com.au) “The Site” is collected by Solandis Media known as “The Site Owner”. To effectively run The Site, different third-party providers are utilised known as “Vendors”.

In addition to the data collected by Vendors, The Site also gathers information about you which The Site Owner can copy, change, or delete. The copying, modification, or deletion of data collected about you will be consistent with this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy refers both to Visitors, defined as persons who access The Site through the Internet, and Customers who in addition to visiting The Site, purchase one or more of the available products.

This Privacy Policy applies only to the data processed by Solandis Media on The Site. To understand how Vendors use the data, a link to the relevant privacy policy has been provided on this page under each service listed.

What Data Is Collected?

Contact Form (Contact, Support & Privacy Policy Page)

If you use a Contact Form on the site, the data you submit will be sent to the email address chosen by the site admin.


Hcaptcha offers spam protection. You can read their privacy policy via the link below.


Independent Analytics

Independent is used to collect anonymous data about how Visitors use the website. This includes:

  • The pages visited
  • The number of sessions
  • The number of visitors
  • Which search engine the user came from
  • Which device the user browsed The Site from
  • Which Browser the user came to The Site from
  • The Bounce Rate

*The Bounce Rate is the percentage of users that return quickly to the search engine after the page loads.


Jetpack is a plugin created by the company Automattic that collects anonymous data relating to:

  • Which Pages are visited
  • The total number of Site Views
  • Which Countries Visitors are from
  • Which Page or Search Engine they came to The Site from
  • Search Terms that were used to find The Site
  • Which External Links were clicked
  • The user IDs, Usernames, Email Addresses, Roles, and Capabilities of Registered Users.
  • Taxonomies (including categories and tags).
  • All core WordPress and Jetpack options.
  • Some Woocommerce Options and Data

On this site, Jetpack is set up to honor do not track requests.

Automattic Privacy Policy


Anonymity of data from Independent Analytics & Jetpack

Although The Site Owner can obtain information about the use of The Site, it is not able to solely use Independent Analytics or Jetpack to obtain the name or address of Visitors. By combining statistics with other data such as Customer or Order Information, it may be possible to identify individual users.

Other Statistics

In addition to the data collected by these services, data is generated by the hosting provider that includes the IP address, Organisation, Device (Desktop / Mobile), and Location of incoming requests. It is not currently possible to disable the collection of this information by the hosting provider.

PayPal & Square

PayPal and Square are used to process payments on the site.

Paypal‘s Privacy Policy


Square Privacy Policy (No Account)


Order Information

If you do not complete the payment process but go to the checkout page with items in your cart, your Cart Contents, any data you have entered and your IP Address will be saved into a Draft Order and it will be possible for Solandis Media to see all the information you provided.

When you purchase an item from The Site, all of the same information as described in the Draft Order is collected along with Payment Information.

Solandis Media does not store Financial Information such as Credit Card Numbers or Bank Details that you enter when placing an Order. Payment Information includes the Payment Method, Amount, and Payment Date.

When you complete the payment process for your Order, this is considered a Pending Order.

The term “Order” on this page refers to both Draft & Pending Orders.

How The Data Is Used

  • Monitor how pages of The Site perform in the Search Results
  • To make informed decisions about the running of The Site and/or Solandis Media.
  • To understand the popularity of different products
  • Respond to customer inquiries
  • To fulfill customer Orders
  • To inquire about the deletion, cancellation, or modification of an Order
  • Pursue business engagement with Visitor or Customers of The Site
  • Investigate potential scams or fraudulent activity concerning The Site and/or Solandis Media

Who The Data Is Shared With

Your data is shared with Vendors that are utilized in the running of the business. Solandis Media does not influence the Privacy Policies of its Vendors and thus cannot prevent data they collect about you from being compromised or accidentally deleted. These Vendors can share your data with other parties as outlined in their Privacy Policies.

Where legally obligated, Solandis Media will share your data with any required parties.

How Long The Data Is Retained

Data sent through Contact FormIndefinitely
Customer Information (From Pending Orders)Indefinitely
Customer Information (From Draft Orders)Draft Orders are normally deleted weekly or monthly.

Where The Data is stored

Data sent through the Contact FormEncrypted Email Server
Customer Information (From Pending Orders)Database, Encrypted Email Server, Encrypted Volume, Automattic Servers
Customer Information (From Draft Orders)Database, Encrypted Volume, Automattic Servers

Your Right for The Deletion or Modification of The Data

As a Visitor or Customer of The Site you can request the deletion or modification (including corrections) of some of the data that is collected from you.

In some cases, Solandis Media may refuse to delete or modify your data. Below are some of the reasons why this may happen:

  • Because it is required by law to retain your data or not to modify it
  • Because it suspects your use of The Site may be for malicious intent

Modification & Deletion of data collected by Third Parties

Solandis Media may not be able to delete data or modify data that has been collected from you by its Vendors. This can be because the Vendor will not allow the deletion or modification to comply with its Privacy Policy.

Another reason is that Solandis Media is restricted from deleting or modifying the data by the Vendor.

Where Solandis Media sees no reason to refuse your request for modification or deletion and it can do so, it will fulfill your request in the time period provided to you. If there is a technical issue that is preventing the modification or deletion of the data, Solandis Media will modify or delete the data as soon as possible after the technical issue is resolved and if necessary, will provide notice about the technical issue and the expected time frame that the data will be modified or deleted.

How you can access your information

You can use the Contact Form on this page to request a copy of your Customer Information including your Order History.


If you have a question about this Privacy Policy, you can use the contact form below.

    Last Updated 13/3/25

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